We have cultivated a strong portfolio of licensed and owned brands which are the basis of our company and drive our business. We source product from all the major apparel producing countries. To ensure that our suppliers are operating with the same high standards which we and our partner brands and customers set for ourselves, we have actively developed holistic & responsible global sourcing strategies. This Responsible Sourcing Policy represents our pledge to conduct business with integrity, openness, and respect for the rights of all individuals and core labor principles throughout our supply chain. This Policy provides the framework through which we set out our responsible sourcing ambitions and approach.

Our Comtex factory group (a partnership with the Hirdaramani group) is one of the largest manufacturers of men’s, women’s and children’s apparel in the world.
Wholly owned global offices, factory and distribution center network Product design & development, tracking, fabric development, technical design.
Full quality assurance team
Global information system and web based data exchange
Regency Garments, Bangladesh Since 1981.
Fashion Garment, Vietnam Sins 1989.
- Shanghai, China
- Columbo, Sri Lanka
- Hong Kong, China
- Chittagong, Bangladesh
- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Bangalore, India
LT APPAREL GROUP is a pioneer in holistic global sourcing strategies. The policies and initiatives implemented over many years include social compliance practices, support of community projects, reducing the carbon footprint, re-engineering waste management processes and finding new ways to incorporate sustainable resources into the supply chain throughout the world.
- CLICK HEREfor a special message for vendors from CEO Richard Sutton
- CLICK HEREto view our Responsible Sourcing Policy
- CLICK HEREto view our Code of Conduct for vendor partners
Responsible Sourcing & Purchasing Policy